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GSLL Theory Reading Group

August 30, 2014

…group is open to all members of Carolina’s Department of Germanic & Slavic Languages & Literatures, its partners in the Carolina-Duke Graduate Program in German Studies and the larger UNC-Chapel…

Congratulations to Natasza Gawlick

January 19, 2022

Carolina-Duke graduate student Natasza Gawlik is the winner of the 2021 Stambaugh-Borchardt Prize for best Writing Proficiency Review essay, “Mariella Mehr’s steinzeit: Unturning the stone on Swiss and Yenish history”…

Congratulations to Tim Ellison

August 11, 2022

Carolina-Duke graduate student Tim Ellison is the winner of the 2022 Ria Stambaugh-Frank Borchardt Prize for best Writing Proficiency Review essay, “Historical Rhapsody: Citation and Historiography in Herder’s Auch eine…

Congratulations to CDG doctoral student Ameliah Leonhardt

April 28, 2022

Ameliah Leonhardt, doctoral student in the Carolina-Duke Graduate Program in German Studies and teaching fellow in German at UNC-CH, received a Student Undergraduate Teaching and Staff Award at the Chancellor’s…

Teaching awards to graduate student instructors

August 11, 2022

The Department of German Studies at Duke University announced that Shiqi Xu has been awarded the Bessent Teaching Award in recognition of her first year as an outstanding German language…

Test homepage

February 24, 2014

…theory from the Viking Ages to the Digital Age. With its five different undergraduate majors, three minors, two masters degrees in Slavic and the Carolina-Duke Graduate Program in German Studies,…


December 4, 2015

…film, culture and theory spanning the Viking Age to the Digital Age. With its five different undergraduate majors, three minors, as well as the Carolina-Duke Graduate Program in German Studies,…

Frauke Berndt lecture and graduate workshop

January 19, 2022

…her Thursday evening lecture, Prof. Berndt, together with Prof. Eric Downing, offered an in-person graduate workshop at Duke University on Friday afternoon, October 8, 2021, entitled “How Realistic is Realism?”…