Welcome from the Chair
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Welkom! Willkommen! Witamy!

Welcome! Are you interested in studying German or Russian? How about learning Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian, Czech, or Polish? Are you intrigued by the idea of studying the literature and culture of Central and Eastern Europe? Or are you looking to fulfill a general education requirement with one of our popular undergraduate courses such as “Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll,” “Fairy Tales and Childhood,” or “Mystery and Suspense in Russian Literature”?
Welcome to the website of the Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages. We offer a full range of language courses, a wealth of upper-level seminars in Central and East European literatures and cultures, and a wide selection of outreach courses geared toward the general undergraduate population. Through UNC Study Abroad, students participate in a wide variety of study abroad programs in Central and Eastern Europe.
With well over 100 students majoring and minoring in Germanic and Slavic, Carolina boasts one of the most vibrant departments of its kind in the nation. For students wishing to specialize and immerse themselves in a foreign language, literature, history, and culture, we offer five different undergraduate major tracks. Our students major in Central European Studies, German Literature and Culture, German Media, Arts, and Culture, Russian Language and Culture, and Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures. Whichever track they select, our undergraduates all have the opportunity to study with leaders in the fields in small classroom settings. Those who earn a B.A. in Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures leave Carolina well prepared for the complex and global world we inhabit today. Historically, our alumni have gone into a variety of fields, from international banking, government service, and law to teaching at the high school and college level.
In addition to our undergraduate programs, we are also home to the Carolina-Duke Graduate Program in German Studies, one of the country’s leading graduate programs in German.
Please do not hesitate to be in touch should you have any questions.
Richard Langston, Chair
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