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Learn Russian for a career in government, science, commerce.

Carolina’s Flagship Program offers eight semesters of language instruction. The final two language courses, RUSS 515 and RUSS 516, are dedicated to the superior acquisition of Russian with a focus on using the language in professional settings. RUSS 515 and RUSS 516 are a key component of the Russian Flagship Program.

1. RUSS 515

RUSS 515 provides advanced learners with opportunities to develop linguo-cultural skills necessary to practice their profession in Russian. While engaged in academic discourse in contemporary standard Russian, learners research topics in their academic majors, prepare and give presentations and lead discussions focusing on their areas of professional competence.

2. RUSS 516

RUSS 516, second installment in the advanced-to-superior academic year sequence, will assist learners in acquiring and retaining grammar, vocabulary, and rhetorical strategies enabling them to present, discuss and argue on matters related to their professional competencies. RUSS 516 provides advanced learners with opportunities to develop linguistic-cultural skills necessary to practice their profession in Russian. While engaged in academic discourse in contemporary standard Russian, learners research topics in their academic majors, prepare and give presentations and lead discussions focusing on their areas of professional competence. In addition to student-centered segments, the course comprises instructor-led discussions of current affairs and academic subjects.


Students who successfully complete the RUSS 515-516 course sequence should progress toward achieving speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills on the advanced to superior level as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

For more information about RUSS 515 and RUSS 516 and, please contact Dr. Chernysheva.