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The International Vladimir Nabokov Society has awarded Prof. Stanislav Shvabrin’s book Between Rhyme and Reason: Vladimir Nabokov, Translation, and Dialogue (University of Toronto Press, 2019) its 2020 Jane Grayson Prize for Best Book on Vladimir Nabokov prize. The author of such global bestsellers as Lolita and Pale Fire, Vladimir Nabokov (1899–1977) is also one of the most controversial literary translators and translation theorists of modern time. In Between Rhyme and Reason, Professor Shvabrin discloses the complexity, nuance, and contradictions behind Nabokov’s theory and practice of literalism to reveal how and why translation came to matter to Nabokov so much. This book award celebrates the pioneering work of Jane Grayson, whose Nabokov Translated: A Comparison of Nabokov’s Russian and English Prose (Oxford University Press, 1977) broke new ground in the understanding the writer’s multilingualism.

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