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The Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures at UNC-Chapel Hill stands in solidarity with Asian and Asian American members of our departmental community, across our campus, and in our communities at large. We unequivocally condemn racist and misogynist violence, aggression, and discrimination in its explicit and implicit forms. The hate crimes by a white gunman on March 16, 2021, targeting women of Asian descent are linked to a legacy of systemic anti-Asian racism and violence as well as gender-based violence. As educators, we commit to strive against our country’s historical tendency to shift undue blame to Asian Americans for our national crises. Anti-Asian biases as well as gender biases are antithetical to our values as scholars and members of the Carolina community.

We invite students and faculty to make use of resources offered and compiled by our colleagues at the UNC Asian American Center and the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies with whom we stand in heartfelt solidarity. NAPABA offers resources for those who experience or witness hate crimes or bias incidents. We further recommend the resources at Safe@UNC and The Carolina Women’s Center on discrimination, harassment, and sexual violence. We recognize that anti-racist work is a lifelong project that calls on us all – faculty, students, and staff – to self-educate, critically evaluate our work, and uplift voices historically marginalized in our disciplines.