Jonathan Hess Diversity Prize
April 30
In spring 2025 the GSLL Diversity Committee will be awarding the third Jonathan Hess Diversity Prize. Jonathan Hess was a well-loved colleague who served the department for 25 years before he passed unexpectedly in 2018. Jonathan’s research and teaching focused on German Jewish and German culture and he cared deeply about undergraduate education and taught courses that promoted tolerance and understanding. Additionally, he worked towards equality along the lines of race and gender, making a point to support women and People of Color in academia.
$100 to the undergraduate student who writes the best paper addressing an issue connected to diversity as it relates to the field of Germanic and Slavic Studies. This paper can be based on any of the courses in Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures (GSLL), or written independently in consultation with a member of the faculty during the fall 2024 or spring 2025. The essay can be written in any language taught in GSLL, as long as it has a word count of at least 1200 words. Students can either self-submit their paper to the committee or a faculty member can nominate a paper.
The deadline for submissions is April 30, 2025.
Please email your submissions and nominations to playne@email.unc.edu.