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Contact Information
The Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures
426 Dey Hall, CB# 3160
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill NC 27599-3160
Telephone: 919-966-1642
Fax Number: 919-962-3708
Email: gsll@unc.edu
Department Chair:
Dr. Clayton Koelb
Email: ckoelb@email.unc.edu
Director of Slavic and East European Studies and
Slavic Graduate Advisor:
Dr. Christopher Putney
Email: crputney@email.unc.edu
Director of Graduate Studies and
Graduate Admissions:
Dr. Eric Downing
Email: edowning@email.unc.edu
Director of Undergraduate Studies and
German Undergraduate Advisor:
Dr. Richard Langston
Email: relangst@email.unc.edu
Slavic Undergraduate Advisor:
Dr Radislav Lapushin
Email: lapushin@email.unc.edu
Director of Elementary Language Programs:
Dr. Christina Wegel
Email: wegel@email.unc.edu
Administrative Manager:
Valerie Bernhardt
Email: valerieb@email.unc.edu
Financial Assistant :
Pam Tharp
Email: pstharp@email.unc.edu