Christoph Schmitz, doctoral candidate in the Carolina-Duke Graduate Program in German Studies and teaching fellow at Duke University, participated in the Bass Digital Education Fellowship Showcase on April 14, 2022. On April 22, Dr. April Henry (UNC-CH PhD, 2008) informed the joint faculty of Christoph’s invaluable contribution to Duke’s German language program: “Through the Bass Digital Education Fellow Program, Christoph created new digital materials for German 204. In this project, Christoph uses German language podcasts to discuss topics such diversity, equity, and inclusion in Germany in order to broaden students’ understanding of German culture. Students create their own podcast episode highlighting their experiences on these topics at the end of this unit. It is truly an amazing project, which has elevated our language program.” Christoph has accepted a position as visiting assistant professor of German at Wake Forest University.
Kudos to Christoph Schmitz
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